Local Advertising

Local Advertising

Local Advertising with local expertise.

Target your local city or town across all media formats and environments through our expert team.

We cover all areas and regions of the UK and here are some of the cities to highlight given their importance, size and the different media options between them.

As an advertising agency, we cover all media including Outdoor Advertising, Digital Marketing, TV, Radio and more.

Advertising across these locations.

Meet the Media Planning Team


Media Planning & Buying


Media Planning & Buying


Media Planning & Buying

“At times, if not all the time, knowing the location in detail is key. With offices in Manchester and London, our team can support targeted local advertising with detail not only due to our experience but also because we've mapped out on our media planning software all the UK's entire billboard database to support local advertising planning.”

Ricardo Seixas, Founder and CEO, One Day Agency

Latest Out-of-Home Campaigns.

See below our selected work in media planning and buying, click or tap to view.

Technology Services - International OOH Campaign

FMCG - Out-of-Home Campaign in Ireland.

Non-Alcoholic Beer - Out-of-Home Campaign & TV

Full-funnel Advertising Agency

Local and International Advertising

International Advertising

UK Local Advertising

International Advertising across all Media environments.

International Advertising

Like what you see?

Get in touch!

Transform your advertising today and learn how we’ll influence your buyer. Get in touch with One Day Advertising Agency in Manchester and London.