COVID-19’s Digital Marketing Strategy and Approach.

Consumer expectations, behaviours and habits are shifting instantly and follow no previous known paths, trends and researches either because of government flash announcements or simply because daily life is, and possibly, changed forever. So the key to successfully navigating COVID-19 as a brand and with their digital marketing strategy is to go into a mixed state of proactive readiness & execution reactiveness. Here’s how you can achieve that in 3 simple ways.

1) Keep a close eye on market intent

The only research and data platform that allows to measuring market intent in near-real-time (hourly) is Google Search Trends. By monitoring key products and services, you’ll understand the market appetite for those products and react quickly to tap on the opportunity. Here at One Day Agency we’ve built a custom dashboard that allows doing this monitoring at scale instead of single-queries on Google Search Trends. Get in touch if you would like to learn more.

2) Laser accurate content

We are well past beyond the point where we understand that content (digital advertising) is the single most important aspect of digital marketing and for a brand. So to execute fast (reactive) with accuracy, pre-build a content framework that allows you to quickly change imagery, video and more important the message.

3) Trust the data & make sure your team and agency are communicating

You know what the market is looking for. You have the products to satisfy the need. Your content ready. Now it is time to trust that data. Like we’ve seen with your client’s paid social campaigns, a time of crisis can be a time for success. Trust the market intent you see on Google Trends and build-out audiences/campaigns to address them. Time is of the essence so having a clear communication channel with your team or digital agency is fundamental as well as having a team that truly understands digital marketing and can target these audiences with accuracy and less testing. Testing, in this situation, we’ll not be helpful but rather being quick and accurate will reap the most benefits.


To learn more about Digital Marketing Strategy and Approach, get in contact today.


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