Near real-time inspiration changed the seasonal buying cycles.

Consumers are now fuelled by near real-time inspiration, social pressure for newness and supported by fast and convenient consumption. And the best part for brands is that these young consumers are very comfortable with algorithms and advertising helping them to discover new products.

For example, in fashion and over the last 30 years the old spring/summer and autumn/winter cadence of the industry has been completely disrupted by the massive growth of digital channels and fast fashion brands. In particular to 18-35 year-old digital natives born with e-commerce and social media resulting in very different purchasing behaviours. This easy access to information and new buying patterns are not exclusive to fashion, expect a big impact on all industries.

So what does this mean for brands?

With so many touchpoints available to marketers and consumers comfortable with algorithms, the time to tap into your own data is now. Leveraging past purchase data, fine-tuned pixels and trackers, smart granular catalogues, well managed CRM’s and optimised remarketing windows, you will massively increase your ad relevancy and engagement assuring a potential or past buyer that you understand their needs, habits and especially... inspiration. Research shows that a well-targeted relevant ad gets 3X more attention. That’s a huge reinforcement on your ad spend.

Start planning for the perpetual shopper with always-on recommendations. Always-on campaigns should be the minimum for any brand interested in growing business amongst this audience with the objective to trigger new purchase journeys as well as compete for existing shoppers.


To learn more about Seasonal Buying Cycles, get in contact today.


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Stop with audiences, media plans or KPI’s: instead start with a concept.