Changing the narrative – how Valentine’s Day ads are changing

"I think love should be celebrated every day." 

We've all heard this before, right? 

Every year when Valentine's Day rolls around, many of us will hear our friends, family and loved ones echo this sentiment. If love matters every day, then why should Valentine's Day be so different? 

In media and advertising, huge amounts of pressure are placed on us for the day to be perfect, romantic, and expensive.

And the relationships traditionally presented in Valentine's Day ads are rarely representative of most actual relationships.

With more of us feeling unrepresented in Valentine's Day ads, and more of us questioning the relevance of this day in the 21st century, the narrative around Valentine's Day must shift in order for advertisers to recapture the magic of the holiday and reach wider audiences. 

Here's how advertisers can raise their Valentine’s Day campaign game.


1.       Valentine’s Day is for everyone!

There are a lot of stereotypes around Valentine’s Day (more specifically, what Valentine’s Day and romance should look like) that can make people feel excluded.

But Valentine's Day is a celebration, and everyone should feel invited. 

Brands who create Valentine's Day campaigns that make everyone feel included can reach wider audiences and encourage more people to get excited about Valentine's Day, and their products! Sounds like a win-win to us!

But remember, it isn't enough to be inclusive. It must be done right.


2.       Bring back the fun

A key part of changing the narrative around Valentine's Day is bringing the fun back. 

Too many of us feel the pressure to buy the best gifts or to create the most picture-perfect day.

In fact, some studies have shown that Valentine’s Day ads can have a negative impact on our mental health. But Valentine's Day is there to be celebrated in ways that are meaningful to you.

By showing that there are many ways to celebrate the special day, brands can show the versatility of how their products can enrich their consumers’ lives.

3.       Champion self-love 

We all need an excuse to treat ourselves, so this one is a little self-explanatory, but there might be no better cause for self-celebration than Valentine's Day! 

Ads that focus on self-love and treating yourself on Valentine's Day are perfect for almost any brand and can help brands spread positivity to their target audience. 


4.       Love matters

A common trope in ads is that those who are single on Valentine's Day are left feeling sad and alone. But Valentine's Day isn't just for romantic love. At least, it doesn't have to be. 

Are you a women's clothing brand? An ad for girls’ night outfits on Valentine's Day could be the perfect way of standing out from your competitors. 

So, you're a crypto platform? An ad showing how your customers can gift their loved ones crypto on Valentine's Day could be the key to reaching new audiences. 

Valentine's Day is for everyone, so every brand can get involved!


5.       Spread positivity 

In an age where so many of us are impacted by mental health struggles, advertisers can and must see their Valentine's Day campaigns as an opportunity to spread some love and positivity. 

When it comes to Valentine's Day ads, every brand us going to have a unique story to tell. But the most important question brands should ask themselves is: will my audience feel better after seeing this ad than they were to start off with? 

If you can centre your Valentine's Day ads around spreading a little positivity to everyone, then you can attract new audiences by being a part of the Valentine's Day revolution.

We’re a Manchester and London - based advertising agency that understands how to make your brand shine. To learn more about nailing your brand’s Valentine’s Day campaigns, get in touch with us at One Day Agency.


To learn more about Valentine’s Day Ads, get in contact today.


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