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2020 Cyber Monday was the biggest eCommerce selling day of all time. How will 2021 compare? 🤖
If the projections for 2021 are true, then Cyber Monday 2021 will be a huge success. That is, for the brands who make the most of increased footfall and prepare for Cyber Monday correctly. So, how can advertisers prepare for Cyber Monday and reap these amazing benefits? Let’s find out!

The perfect app marketing strategy for 2021 💯
If you want to create heart-stopping campaigns that draw in-app users and skyrocket sales - you're in luck, because we're here to help. It's just what we do. 🤷Here are 3 strategies to implement in your master plan.

70% of us now use online touchpoints in our shopping journey. Here's how brands can prepare for this holiday season's shoppers! 🎄
Now that the world is opening again, people are keen to return to in-store shopping and only 14% say they will rely solely on e-commerce. Learn how to take the most out of this holiday season!

On advertising, we believe in David Ogilvy’s rules for success. Here's why! 📚
David Ogilvy has provided advertisers with a vast wealth of knowledge and marketing insights, gained from his wildly successful and celebrated career. But his infamous rules have garnered him a fair share of criticism, too. As he writes in his infamous, 'Ogilvy On Advertising': “I am sometimes attacked for imposing ‘rules.’ Nothing could be further from the truth. I hate rules. All I do is a report on how consumers react to different stimuli.”

The 5 commandments of media planning. 📜
Media planning negates the need for any unforeseen costs or hurdles. With the right plan in place, brands can see amazing results.

Brand: questions you should be asking your audience.
One of the best things brands can do is keep track of how they’re being perceived by their audience.

COVID-19’s Digital Marketing Strategy and Approach.
To be successful you need to enter a state of proactive readiness and execution reactiveness.

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