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How to quantify the success of your OOH billboard campaigns

What attracts many marketers to digital marketing is how straightforward it is to accurately measure the successes and failures of each campaign. For this reason, it can be tempting to assume that one is better than the other.

But your digital marketing campaigns don’t have to come at the expense of your OOH campaigns. In fact, the most lucrative campaigns find ways to merge the two.

Even TikTok, the newest digital kid on the block, is focusing more of its ad spend on the great outdoors.

Why? Because they know that measuring their OOH billboard campaigns can be just as easy as analysing your digital campaigns.

In this article, we’ve got all the info you need to start accurately assessing the success of your billboard campaigns today.

Let’s get started.

What is OOH advertising?

OOH advertising (out-of-home advertising) describes any kind of advert that appears outside of the home. OOH advertising can take the form of anything, from signs on the side of lorries to posters at the airport. Before the internet and mobile phones, OOH advertising (along with magazine advertising) was the primary resource at an advertiser’s disposal.

What is a billboard campaign?

Billboards can be used to market almost anything – from a brand, a product or service, to a campaign, charity or political movement.

Usually, billboards are placed in areas with lots of traffic or pedestrians. City centres, ring roads, shopping centres and crossroads can be ideal places for advertisers to showcase their OOH campaigns on large billboards.

In recent years, many brands have taken their OOH campaigns even further by creating interactive billboard campaigns that further engage pedestrians.

How to accurately assess the success of your billboard campaign strategy?

While there is no single solution for measuring the success of OOH billboard advertising, by using a combination of the following techniques, advertisers can paint a clear picture of the success of their campaigns and what can be done to make their billboard ads more effective.

1. Be specific

If a picture is the bread of a billboard, then the copy is the butter. Even the biggest billboards only hold so much space, and every word counts.

When it comes to monitoring the success rate of your campaign, this typically will mean monitoring how many people followed your billboard’s CTA. Perhaps the best way to do this is by being specific with your copy.

By including copy such as hashtags, promo codes and landing page URL’s that are specific to your billboard ads, you can track how often these have been searched, used or visited by consumers.

Not only is this a great way to track how many people followed the CTA on your ad, tracking these metrics does not add any costs to your marketing budget.

However, using specificity only allows advertisers to see how many conversions their billboard yielded – not how many impressions their billboard received. This means, while helpful, specificity alone is not enough to analyse the success of your ad.

2. Examine traffic and footfall in areas with a view of your billboard

Of course, analysing the footfall around your billboard does not tell you exactly how many people saw your billboard, but it can give you a good idea.

Once you have your estimate, you can compare this to how many people followed the CTA on your billboard in order to gage the success of your ad.

From here, you can make changes to your billboard ads were necessary in order to optimise your OOH presence by creating more successful billboards.

3. Ask the customer!

One of the best ways to understand the impact that your billboard is having on your target audience is by asking your customers, or website visitors, how they learned about your brand, campaign or products.

Brand awareness is one of the primary benefits of using billboards in your OOH campaigns, so going directly to the customer is the best way to learn which campaigns are the most successful in attracting customers to you.

If you’re looking to take your OOH billboard campaigns to the next level or are wondering how billboards can work for your brand, get in touch us at One Day Agency.

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To learn more about OOH Billboard Campaigns, get in contact today.