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Here's everything marketers should know about behavioural science for 2022 🧠

For all research-focused marketers and agencies, understanding what consumers react to and why is the bread and butter of what we do.

As the year comes to an end and we head into 2022, many brands are looking to reimagine their campaigns for a world that will be significantly more open than it has been these last two years.

So, we thought we would compile a list of the key behavioural science principles that all marketers should know.

What leads consumers to choose one product over another? With endless choices and information at our fingertips, how do consumers make purchasing decisions?

Let’s find out!

1.     Immediacy

When a consumer falls in love with a product and can clearly envision how it will fit into their life, then the marketers have done their job well.

But if a customer learns that said product or service is only going to be made available after an extended period of time, they can quickly lose interest.

When your target audience loves your product, they want to receive it as soon as possible. In fact...

2.     Scarcity works

The less available the product, the more enticing it becomes.

Potential customers love scarcity, so by highlighting if a product is low in stock or is only available for a short period of time, marketers can see high returns.

3.     Gifts

To attract customers, many brands choose to offer freebies in the form of a ‘free gift’.

The gift may take the form of one of their products or even a collaboration with another brand.

Either way, by offering a free gift with a customer’s purchase, marketers can create positive connotations between their products and the joy of receiving gifts.

4.     Keep it short and simple

When it comes to product descriptions, some of Google’s researchers have found that consumers actually prefer shorter specifications.

While including more information about a product might be tempting, consumers can quickly feel overwhelmed when provided with too much information and may disregard the product or service altogether.

Your target audience may be interested in your product, but they don’t want to have to sift through huge chunks of information to understand how it can slot into their lives.

Making the consumer journey as simple and easy to follow for the consumer as possible is much more likely to result in more purchases.

5.     Stay authoritative

Customers respond to authority.

Having the expert seal of approval on your product or services provides customers with peace of mind.

If they can see that your brand is an authority within your brand’s niche, then they will feel much more comfortable with making a purchase.

Whether it be via magazine, newspaper or influencer recommendations, having voices in your niche speak highly of your brand will appeal to your target audience.

6.     Word of mouth

Just as consumers respond to expert recommendations, they also respond to customer reviews.

As important as it is for you to tell the customer why the product is both helpful and high-quality, it is much more useful to show them.

Highlighting customer reviews and/or product satisfaction rates is a sure-fire way to quickly boost your brand’s credibility and get your target audience excited about what you have to offer.

As 2021 comes to a close, how will you use behavioural science to create your next campaign?

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To learn more about Behavioral Science, get in contact today.