Multi-channel digital ads for B2B lead generation.



Totaljobs is the UK’s largest hiring platform with over 20 years in the recruitment market. With multiple partners, they hold the largest database with 20 million profiles in the UK alone.


  • Creative Concept

  • Art Direction

  • Digital Ads across multiple channels

  • Instagram Story Ads & Display Banner Ads


  • Design digital ads for a B2B lead generation campaign.

Challenge, Brief Response & Concept

Totaljobs is the UK’s largest hiring platform, with access to over 20 million CVs on their site. They tasked us with creating a B2B campaign aimed at recruiters. The recruitment industry can be cold and harsh, we wanted to come at this from a totally different perspective; one that’s human and approachable. The Totaljobs platform doesn’t just have 20 million CVs ready and waiting, it has 20 million people - each with their own unique personality and experiences. Our campaign aims to showcase this with warm and natural imagery, engaging video, and eye-catching visuals.

Content, Channel & Media Plan Considerations

The concept and creative digital ads were created from start alongside the media plan. We believe that content and media planning shouldn’t be after or before the other. The opportunity is to look at the channel mix and their particularities and features and create digital content that fits in contextually and natively.

As an example for this particular campaign in terms of execution, media strategy and concept working together, the above Instagram Story Ads would be rotated almost daily with frequency capping (limiting the number of times a single user sees the ad) to ensure its concept as described on the top of this page would really cut through and live.

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