
Digital Ads



Totaljobs is the UK’s largest hiring platform, with access to over 20 million CVs on their site. They tasked us with creating a B2B campaign aimed at recruiters. The recruitment industry can be cold and harsh, we wanted to come at this from a totally different perspective; one that’s human and approachable. The Totaljobs platform doesn’t just have 20 million CVs ready and waiting, it has 20 million people - each with their own unique personality and experiences. Our campaign aims to showcase this with warm and natural imagery, engaging video, and eye-catching visuals.


Instagram Stories

In the whole digital marketing spectrum, Instagram is one of the broadest social media platforms in terms of demographics and reach which makes it a prime placement for any digital marketing strategy and ad. And due to its visually rich nature, Instagram Story Ads are the de facto ad placement to convey your brand message.


Display Ads

The oldest format on the whole Internet and the least explored in today’s digital ad standards. Display Banner Ads still have an important and special role in digital marketing to build up awareness or influence consumers in buying decisions through remarketing strategies. With GIF and HTML5, Display Banner Ads can also be engaging and eye-catching.


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