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Our top 10 methods for highlighting brand sustainability through advertising šŸŒ±

More and more, consumers are looking to support brands whose goals align with their own.

For many consumers, this means seeking out brands that champion sustainability and environmental causes.

So, how can marketers highlight brand sustainability? And how can brands who arenā€™t already working under a sustainable model keep up?

Letā€™s find out!

1.     Examine your brandā€™s footprint

It may seem obvious, but even for brands who arenā€™t looking to highlight their positive environmental impact, marketers should prioritise examining the way their brand functions.

2.     Get creative

What kind of packaging do you use? What is your business's carbon footprint?

In asking these and similar questions, marketers can begin to get an idea about which aspects of the production process limit their environmental impact.

3.     Make these benefits the focus

Once you have discerned any sustainable qualities of your brand, it is important to make these the focus of your marketing.

Donā€™t be afraid to centre paid ads and email funnels around these benefits. After all, customers can only be excited about your brandā€™s green footprint if they know about it.

4.     Use buzzwords

If the materials are biodegradable or recycled, let the consumer know about them.

These words are often ones that your potential customers are looking out for, so be sure to highlight them!

5.     But use them wisely

Greenwashing is very much alive in 2021 and will likely continue to plague consumers well into 2022.

But what is greenwashing?

Well, simply put, greenwashing is when brands use language such terms such as ā€œ100% naturalā€ or ā€œ100% veganā€ to present a product as more environmentally sound than it is.

Products that are completely vegan or natural could still be damaging to the environment.

Consumers are instantly cautious of bold claims and will do further research, so marketers should stay honest and specific when talking about how their brand is helping the planet.

6.     Avoid too many points

If your brand is making many more environmentally conscious decisions, it might be tempting to highlight all of them.

But this can end up diluting your message. Instead, by focusing on a maximum of 3 benefits, consumers will see your dedication without being distracted by too many statistics.

For those with plenty to talk about, consider leaving the rest of your businessā€™ environmental benefits for an information page on your website.

7.     Foreground growth

For many brands, it will be difficult to discern any positive environmental benefits that a business may bring. In this instance,

As we said before, completely transforming your business model, like, yesterday, to make it ā€˜greenerā€™ is a big ask and one that most consumers simply arenā€™t expecting.

Instead, consumers want to know how you are growing as a brand. It isnā€™t about being completely sustainable, it is about being more sustainable than you were before.

8.     Consider making a pledge

Another way to show your commitment to growth as a brand is by supporting environmental causes.

In making a pledge to a charity or movement, brands can show consumers that they are dedicated to helping the planet.

Even better, if the cause is a local one, consumers will be more attracted to the idea that they may one day see the results of their purchase and your pledge.

9.     Champion environmentalism

For those without the budget to pledge money or a portion of profits to charitable causes, brands can dedicate posts on their social media feed to highlighting local fighters against climate change.

Consumers will see that your brand is not only championing green causes but that you are also staying involved in the conversation around climate change.

10.  Keep things realistic

Consumers donā€™t want you to become 100% sustainable overnight.

Consumers donā€™t want to become 100% waste-free themselves overnight.


Because to protect our planet, all that is needed is for all of us to work together, making small, manageable changes that will benefit the world around us.

By proving that your goals align with that of the consumer through foregrounding your brandā€™s commitment to growth, brands can enjoy great success and grow their customer base.

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